Today(yesterday) was filled with mixed fillings. Not all are bad, not all are good.
Well today was the Big Day, capital B and capital D.
Talent-lah competition Finals. We reached there early for the sound check, set-ups and everything.
Honestly, I didn't think that our band stands much of a chance to win. Maybe I was being... uncertain about Us. Plus, the other performers were Mind-Blowing. Anyway as it turns out, we won.
I am happy for the band and most importantly Kent. His first ever stage-presentable(according to himself :D) song won the gold! Proud of him, and the rest of the band as well.
Nicholas, Joanna, Carmen, Lyon and Sean, I really wanna thank you all for making the effort to be there to support us. We learned your spirits!
Something bizarre happened at 1:15am just now, right after Kent dropped Sean and Lyon to their car at Esso petrol station. The radio station played the song Need You Now, which stirred my mixed feelings even more. Cause' you know, the chorus of the song. LOL
I think the radio station purposely arranged that song to be played at that particular time.
Asks my heart:" Huh, who do you miss, really?"