Saturday, October 31, 2009

It's cheap, it's fun, it's crazy, it's drinking at Azhar's place!

Azhar should really open a bar some day, he would make a good host.
Making/drinking the drinks of our own, we get to be the bartender! While listening to club music at an appropriate level of volume, plus pizzas and pringles. Omg!

And the best thing is, we get to talk and have fun(laugh). I mean we could talk in bars too, but it's very unlikely to hear what the person speaks.

And we can easily notice whose(me&Suzuki's) faces are turning red with the white lights on, not like the extremely dimmed one in the bar, haha!

In other word, it's more free! Hahaaaa!
I've got a lot of juicy videos! But as requested by the awesome actors/actresses inside, I'm not suppose to post them up on the internet. Hahaahaa!


Mr Cruz:" ...and I'll see y'all on Wednesday!"

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