Saturday, October 3, 2009

Pusing! Pusing! Pusing!

Does it sound familiar to you??
Yep, apparently some band performing in the Media Carnival sang a song that has lyrics like my post title. Weird cause it sounded like ... y'know hahah!

Happy Mooncake Festival peeps.
Today brother ajak me for dinner to celebrate this awesome Mooncake Festival. Now that feels like home. =p
I was brought to this Italian restaurant called UNO's, in Centralpoint.

Appetizer- mushroom soup. A generous amount of chopped mushroom, thick scent of cheese in the very concentrated white soup. This baby is creamy.

Main course- Bolognese spaghetti

Brother's order- Today's special

OMG I must credit this plate of S.O.B here. It is undescribable! Whatever pasta that is, it is mixed with some kind of melted cheese sause. And the best thing is, you don't feel "jelak" after eating them. It just gets better one bite after another!

And finally the dessert, Uno's Heavenly Cheesecake

A bottom layer of baked orea buiscuits, on top of that a thick, creamy layer of grinded cheese mixed with hazelnut crumbs/small chunks. On top of that, a layer of warm melted, but solid still brown chocolate. On the side, melted dark chocolate. Exquisite!

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