Monday, November 23, 2009

Late night post

Went to Piramid yesterday.

-1 book
-String wax

It rained while I wanted to walk home. So I wandered around for another half an hour.
It was raining still. I waited until it got smaller, and I paced home. Kuat pity

Well well, at least I got to see the "青蛙王子" 高凌风. Hahhaha, lame.
He was sitting there alone. No fans, no nothing. Hahaaa.

For those who doesn't know who he is,


Just got DC-ed from Dota, no idea why.
And class starts tomorrow, today(technically).

Plus, the timetable was only released a few hours ago.
Nice working efficiency dear Taylors.

New semester is no relaxing shit man.

Guys, IT'S coming!!

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