Saturday, July 11, 2009

Broken Wing(s)

Final exam is done for semester one, pheww. Like Michelle said, still trying to get the study notes out of our heads. Anyway, I'm very happy that things went well, every little thing.

Everyone looked slumber after the exam, talking about vulgars over lunch, and something gay about hotdogs and buns.
The whole gang headed to the orphanage before long. Nicholas Wong, JT, Melissa, Natasha, Sammy, Vidya... everyone(not really) was there. The kids were very harmless and adorable in some way. However, some were not that approachable and I often misjudge the adolescents as the caretaker. :\
Most of them don't talk, or they couldn't talk. All I did was gently stroking their little arms, feet, and forehead. There was this little boy, who is likely to be emotionally unstable. One second he is smiling at you, the next second he can weep. I saw him sitting on the chair, patting his "lower area" and looking confused. The next thing I know, he pee-ed in his pants and started to cry. :(
The caretaker helped him change, mopped the floor and everything went back to normal. The boy started to smile at me again, haha.

I played 'Nothing Else Matters' and 'Another You' to a guy there, well since he likes music, hahahahaaaa. Things went well.
Phototaking session, Nick's got the photo!

This is Vivian, she's 6. She's really pretty :)

This girl loves Vanessa a lot. Vanessa was like a mom, a Christian mom.

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