Sunday, March 8, 2009


Just a short post about nightmares.
Case 1: Ever had one? You suddenly wake up in the middle of the night after having a terrible dream, feeling like you've just been taken to a ride in hell. And when you wake up the next morning, you actually find That specific dream funny and not 'as' terrifying.

Case 2: Or in a total different situation where you feel like you are being pressed by a very very great force when you're getting into sleep. No part of you body can move except your head. And you can hear a very very dreadful scream or cry that raids into your ear and then to your very soul.

Personally I've experienced both of them and I find the first one more frightening. After years and years of torture from nightmares, I finally came out with a solution to counter their arses. Hahaaaaaaaa! That is when they invade during your sleep, just be cool and take 4 long, slow and calm breaths. Then in like 4 or 5 seconds you are right back into your sleep.
There's also an option B for Case 2. You can take a deep deep breath and try to 'breakthrough' the force that holds your body down. The 'breakthrough' doesn't work everytime, you could end up feeling extremely exhausted then doze off to sleep despite the horrifying yells.

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