Friday, March 13, 2009

Don't Force It

Ross:" How sad are we. "
Joey:" Yeah I know. "
Chandler:" You know what, we're not sad. We're not sad cause we're not twenty one anymore. You know? - I'm twenty nine years old damn it and I wanna sit in a comfortable chair and watch television and go to sleep at a reasonable hour!".
Joey & Ross:' Yeah!
Joey:" I'd like to hang out in a quiet place, where I can talk to my friends."
Ross & Chandler:" Yeah!"
Ross:" And so what if I'd like to go home, throw on some Kenny-G and take a bath."
Joey & Chandler:" *stare*
Joey (to Ross):" We're twenty nine, we're not women."
Scheduled to take a health-check, so I couldn't have supper that night nor breakfast in the next morning. So here's my planet saving plan, to stay as late as I possibly could so I would wake up as late as possible the next day. 10am sharp, my alarm woke me up. Went to pathlab and took my urine and blood test(ouch!). That was this morning, it's one past midnight right now. The glare illuminated from the monitor starts to hurt my heavy eyes. I better finish this off asap.
Unless I am very tired, I could never have a proper nap on my bed anymore. I think there's an ant colony somewhere around my bed, flipped through the mattress over and over and It is nowhere to be found. But when I intend to lay myself down for a pleasant nap, here's when they come and attack me. Usually, one by one they will climb up to my arms and belly and start ambushing violently. If I'm in a pretty mood, I will just flick or blow them away. If they keep pushing my button, I will run them over with my finger mercilessly, like a truck over a puppy. *L.O.L* Emphasizing it, in a sick way. That's why, DnD! when I'm trying to sleep.

Preference of music genre is shifting from Metal to Blues. Anyway IMO, Blues doesn't sound as good on guitars as it does on saxaphones. You can't play Metal with a sax too, just a matter of fact. Maybe, someday.

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