Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Putting it into Practice

Twenty-six more hours until the day the SPM result is released. I don't know what to say exactly, about that.
Bless you all, bless myself.

I'm leavin' within 2 weeks. My mum seems more concern about it than I do. I can see blood capillaries in her eyes everytime we jump into that particular topic. I'm actually more worry about my parents, since there's no more siblings left under The roof, except for my niece, and my sister's occasional visits. Nobody sheds no tears, you know I don't like it when people weep. Again, I kindly seek for God's help.
My appetite has grown huge recently. Just the other day I had 8 slices of pizza. Everything I eat, I eat twice as much as a normal person does. Just gobble, gobble and gobble. I'm amazing! My stomach is getting bigger and bigger. MUHAHAHA!

Physique might be getting a little bit oversized, but the mental image of everyone seems to have shrunk through ticking time and perhaps distance too, before long. However, I'm not saddened by the thought of it, though glad that we all are travelling our own path. As a matter of fact my dear Friends, the comprehension will always be there, and the bond continues growing longer, stronger, better. And for sure everyone of you is/yet-to-be, a part of the bond.

Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear.
-------------------------------------------------------Ambrose Redmoon------


Karlyn said...
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Karlyn said...

and hey. yea. the result is out. thought you might wanna know the result yourself. so i'm keeping my mouth shut for the moment. anyways. i'm here to wish you luck in everything you'r gonna bang into. life is tough but things just get easier when you conquer it. Take cares.